Four Reasons To Shop Vintage
At La Closette, we’re avid vintage and resale shoppers for you (and for yourselves!), and today I’ll tell you why. 1) Vintage adds nuance and depth to your style I’ll start purely from an aesthetic point of view: If there’s anything my job has taught me, it’s...
Trendy Sandals We’re Loving for Summer!
The snow has long melted, there’s no more pollen in the air and the heat is on (finally)! While you probably aren’t getting dressed for a night out on the town, we know you still want to look and feel great – even if it’s in your backyard or at the...
Five Ways to Freshen Up Your Outfit This March
With the recent snowfall to hit Southern Ontario, we can’t be storing our boots and puffers just yet…even though we’re in for a mild streak for the next couple of weeks (says Environment Canada, apparently). When you’re grateful for your warm parka one day, but...